Sunday, May 19, 2013

Please start blog from beginning for photos, as I update. thanks!

Blog is in progress but public finally, add photos when time...

Thanks for your patience! Please start blog from the beginning, where most of the photos are.

I´ve blogged this beginning with things I had photos of and wanted to show, and then was going to blog as usual daily/weekly/monthly, seasonally as things came up naturally.

I´m blogging in between studying, when time. As this is a public blog, I´ve mostly tried to not show my family and friends in photos, as this blog is also about things to do here, not us:).

To update, this blog is from Norway where I live. I´ve tried to show local culture, architecture, colourful wooden homes, rustic stone and rock roof tiles, seasonal fruits and berries, local gardens, food, recipes, explanations. Free walks, using the bus and public transportation to find local walks and various things to do. Changes seasonally. Local islands. Traditions, celebrating local holidays and such as our family might do, as we merge different varied cultural traditions.

A few of my fave blogs from here that I like, are:

(will add to this list when time permits)

and a few new blogs, I just found trying to find the URLs of the favourite ones: which I laughed at, as yes we foreign mothers get mentions of the most bizarre bits and pieces of culture; properly dressing our kids in what locals think is appropriate by usually calendar date more so than actual temperature; etc. Mentioning this, so I won´t forget where to find her blog when I have time to read it more:)


another one was a vegan mother who blogged and had a yoga place somewhere obscure in Norway....

will add, updates as time. And YES I am adding PHOTOS and VIDEOS, which I realize are lacking. But as you can see I started this blog ages ago, and well it´s still not ready, still not perfect, and if I don´t just say go now, when am I gonna?

I started twitter today for the first time, which reminded me to finish...erm make public, finally, this blog.


The Reason I started a twitter account finally today, after never any interest at all, was as I was organising the cellar rooms, putting up bookshelves for my plethora of books...I found one of my many kitchen/cooking/architecture related books. An old kitchen, of Anne Quatrano, inspired me to wonder if she was still cooking...and lo and behold she was on twitter.  Their kitchen was so organic melded quietly, yet boldly, the two polar opposites of wood, metal, glass, open spaces with intimacy, living and working, whilst enjoying both freely, mixed, intertwined.

It was the architecture, the food, the sustainability....the book.

SEE this is why I keep all my books! I can barely imagine not. Sighing, at those who ask why am I yet again reading this or that book, again, again, again. Sånn. We´ll see how twitter goes. Not sure I´m cut out for all this time consuming, during studies, but then it did look a bit fun when I saw all the chefs, foodies, museums, architects...etc, and found about 60 or so to follow immediately. That´s probably my limit, mind you.


It´s a holiday this month, nearly all month (just kidding, it´s not, but it feels like it), which includes Monday. So, Tuesday, since everything is shut, am going to see the new Star Trek movie.

Way back when, a little girl sitting in my Dad´s comffy comffy rocking swivel chair, so close to the tv I had my feet propped on the wall, waiting for Dad to tell me off being so close to that I watched daytime episodes of something called Star Trek, a novelty to me as I rarely was anything but outside, I never imagined all we´d have today. Technology OTT everywhere.

I wonder what my Dad would think of it all....he´d bitch...but secretly, I bet he´d like it. All the knowledge, science stuff...not the commercialism, non-stop entertainment celebrity of it. Possibly he´s rolling over in his grave now, that I have my first twitter post or few up,)

Enjoy my Norway. Or, not. The best thing about it all, is all the choices, the off button, the scrolling past if it ain´t your thang....