Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Food & Music :International Food Fair Fortnight

Decided to try more videos, as it´s hard to show what things look like with just a photo. And with videos, I can also speak a bit in Norwegian, so you can hear a little.

Today´s Mat (food) is the International Food festival on Festplassen (the large flat area by the main lake, where various temporary outdoor things such as this, or art exhibits, or even huge installations of art happen).

Til høyre min (to my right) er kunstmuseet (are art museums). Til ventre min (to my left) er kafe med mat (are cafes with food) og drikke (and drinks). Meny der ha skive (The menus there have sandwiches) og rundestykke (bread rolls), brus (soda) og jus (and juice) med isbiter (with ice cubes). Også kaffe med krem og melk (Also coffee with cream and whole milk). Og vamt mat (and hot food).

Fjell er rett der (the mountains are right up there) neste byen sentrum (next to /surrounding the city centre). Dere kan alldri tur i fjellen og rundt byen (You can always walk around the mountains and city).

Matfesten vil være tolv dager (Food festival will be 12 more days). Dere kan ikke betalle med kort! (You can not pay with credit cards...they take cash only).

They´ve got delicious Dutch cheeses, English cheddars and jams, pancakes and fresh made hot foods including pælla, and empanadas. Lots of Italian olives, pasta, pesto and other things which I got last year and will go back a few times to stock up on! Their whole baby artichokes and such are really good and I plan to get a bit while they´re here. They have clothing things such as handmade scarves (I wasn´t much interested in that stuff, so didn´t pay much mind to it). The Brit booth is nice--as it reminds me of living there--hearing the staff call everyone "love" or similar Brit phrases. Kinda like the banter you´d hear in the South in the US, just friendlier than maybe other places,) Or too familiar if you´re not used to that kind of thing, but I am and I do like it/miss it:). Last year´s staff anyway had a bit of EastEnders way about him---the market shops way of selling things. They were all really nice.

Last year too they had FINNISH stuff, and I did not see that today, so hope they´re just late in setting up, as I wanted to get a few more things of what I got last year. A few Christmas pressies..

We´ll see. Sånn.

JEg må lager mat på imorgen! I must start fixing a few things for tomorrow´s supper. I need to start the lemon meringue pie and crust, among other things.

"Adia" pronounciation of "ha det", which is shortened form of "ha det bra", which simply means goodnight/good bye here. The dialect here is many and varied, just like anywhere, so there is usually many ways of saying even simple things, like bye.

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