A post of Norway in song, lyrics, photo links, video links. Enjoy!:)
Part of my becoming native fluent in Norwegian in my self-studies includes translating. One way of doing that, since I enjoy singing and watching videos on Youtube, is finding a song in Norwegian on youtube. It helps me learn to sing the song, which in turn helps me learn to hear/distinguish the correct Norwegian words and to say them. Translating the songs, helps in my vocabulary. I use both my dictionaries and the internet to look up the word in both text and photos. In the lyrics below, both in first Norwegian and then in English, I´ve added links to what the words are in photos and videos, to help you see the lyrics and learn about Norway.
This particular song, God Morgen Norge (Good Morning Norway) is about living in Oslo, where I lived one winter. It´s a beautiful city! Many of links I added within the lyrics have photos from blogs, which you can click on to learn more about Oslo, see more of Oslo. This blog is both for me to use when I practice Norwegian, and to show others a bit of Norway, Norwegian and life here on a small island. Hope you enjoy it as much as I´m having making it! I enjoy learning Norwegian, and learning new things in general, and this blog is making it even more fun, interesting and something to really look forward to every day! For some words/ideas I´ve tried to add some humourous links too---check out the fiskelykke--to try to give hints what the words mean.
Try to read the Norwegian lyrics, clicking on the links, to see if you can tell what the song means, before reading the lyrics and explanation in English. Some of the words convey more an idea than one specific word, such as fiskelykke, which I´ve tried to explain and show. Links, such as fiskelykke, have links to blogs with more photos or videos and recipes, or other photos of the outdoors here.
"fyr "* in "på vei hjem fra byn går en fyr som alltid". As I´m still learning Norwegian, I do still find translation difficult, such as this sentence. "Fyr" can mean lighthouse or several things. "På vei fra byn" means on the way home from the city, or walking home from the city. "Går" can mean walk, go or some form similar to going in some manner. "Går en fyr", could be a verb phrase being done to or with or near "som alltid". "Alltid" means always. "Som" means which, that or who.
So, maybe "på vei hjem fra byn går en fyr som alltid" could mean, in the context of the song, something about walking home from the city going past lighthouses, which they do have in Oslo. Or it could mean on the way home from work walking past a guy asking for a light. I´m going with the first version, as then I get to link to lighthouses in the city centre of Oslo,). I think that goes best with the song, in my mind´s eye anyway!
Vinni singing song God Morgen Norge
Lyrics in Norwegian (translation in English with my explanations and links to follow)
Sola skinner over Frognerparken (på vei hjem fra byn går en fyr som alltid)
Og fuglene synger nedpå Aker Brygge ( båtene kommer inn med fiskelykke)
Det er på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide å stå opp!
Det er på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide å stå opp!
Jeg selger solskinn over himmelen så ser det lyst ut,
Fuglesangen vekker fine minner i en bygutt
Og morgentimene som lindres med noen Ibux
Forsvinner i en virvelvind, en livssyklus
Så tar jeg kaffekoppen, skåler litt med Norge
Og passer på at sønnen min får i seg det han orker
Pappa må forklare litt om massene på torget
Det var som Toy Story, da alle ble så stolte
Fordi alt sammen hadde ordna seg til slutt.
Men nå må vi til barnehagen, vi må komme oss ut
Så du tar jakka jeg tar skoa, så stikker vi
Så kan vi starte dagen skikkelig
Det er på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide og stå opp
Det er på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide og stå opp!
Opp til gleder, opp til sorger, opp å si god morgen Norge!
Vi manøvrerer mellom trikker og trafikklys, gjennom kaffesjappa mi
Klokka er blitt ni nå, og verden har fått dårlig tid
Se pappa, se pappa Lynet McQueen, jeg synes han ligner litt på alle de som flyter forbi
Men vi trenger ikke stresse, hvis bussen stikker bare hopper vi på neste
Man må lete lenge etter dager som dette, når jeg har’n skal’n faen ikke sleppe
Sola skinner over Galdhøpiggen (småsjarmerende, varmer ryggen)
Og fuglene synger nedpå Aker Brygge ( båtene kommer inn med fiskelykke)
Det er på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide å stå opp !
Det er på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide, på tide å stå opp!
Opp til gleder, opp til sorger, opp og si god morgen Norge…
Loosely Translated/explained best I can by me:
The sun shines over Frogner Park -on the walk home from city always past an Oslo lighhouse
And the birds are singing down at Aker Brygge - boats come in with luck of fishing/much fish/big catch
It is time, time, time, time, time, time to get up!
It is time, time, time, time, time, time to get up!
I sell sunshine in the sky we see advertised,
Bird song evokes great memories of my childhood as a boy in the city
And (the headache of the early) morning hours are alleviated with some headache medicine/asprin
Disappear in a whirlwind, a life cycle
So I take a cup of coffee, bowls a bit with Norway
And make sure that my son will ingest it as he can
Dad should explain a bit about the masses in the square
It was like Toy Story, when everyone was so proud
Because it had fixed as the end.
But now we must get to kindergarten, we must enjoy the outdoors/be outside/get on with our day
So you grab the jackets and I´ll get the boots/shoes, so we can go
Then we can start the day in a great way
It is time, time, time, time, time, time and stand up
It is time, time, time, time, time, time to stand up!
Awake to the joys, awake to the sorrows, Time to get up and say good morning Norway!
We maneuver between city traffic and traffic lights, through my fave coffee shop
Clock says nearly nine now, and life goes by quickly
Look Pappa, look Pappa, see Lightning McQueen, I think he looks a bit like all the cars going past
But we needn´t stress if we miss a bun, we can just catch the next bus
Enjoy beautiful sunny days like this which don´t come along always, don´t let it slip away!
The sun shines over Galdhøpiggen (småsjarmerende, heat back)
And the birds are singing beautifully down on Aker Brygge (boats come in with their catches)
It is time, time, time, time, time, time to get up!
It is time, time, time, time, time, time to get up!
Awake to the joys, Awake to the sorrows , and say good morning Norway ...
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