Thursday, September 27, 2012

7 traditional Jul cookies for Christmastime

Hmmm. Yes it is actually only barely not even October! But in a few days, September will be gone, it will actually be October, and soon it will be Christmastime. Holiday time already begins in October with halloween, Day of the Dead, thanksgiving, then Jul time (Christmas, pinse, lussekatter for St Lucia, blabh blabh blabh whateverelse I´ve forgotten, Christmaseve before Christmas eve, Christmas eve as Norwegian Christmas dinner, US Christmas eve which is Christmas eve, Christmas Day, Boxing day....New Years Eve, New Years day meal).

wow. that´s alotta cooking, baking, and making cookies. Norwegian Jul traditionally has 7 cookies. I´m not very good at making Norwegian cookies, but I make Swedish pepperkaker, Martha Stewart cookies, and other American favourites of mine, such as the must-have-and-much-loved Tollhouse chocolate chip cookies though I make them with chopped dark chocolate bars not chocolate chips.

So, this post is to remind me that it is time to decide what SEVEN cookies I will make this year!

1) pepparkakor, pepparkaker, gingerbread thins.

This is a cookie dough which is chilled in the fridge, then rolled out for cut cookies. This is NOT suitable for gingerbread houses, though technically yes it is a gingerbread cookie. For gingerbread houses, both for halloween and Christmas, I use a different recipe which is stronger, and is suitiable for this climate. In hot climes, many great recipes will simply not work due to humidity, and will start collapsing within a day or few hours. Halloween gingerbread houses are so fun to make though, and if you use a cookie recipe, are fun to eat, and actually taste good. The Christmas gingerbread house I make has a stronger, thicker baked recipe suitable for larger cookies, and to be sturdy enough to hold up a roof with edible decorations. Everything is edible.

Wintertime here we have the pepperkaker byen, gingerbread village, (spelling!) made from lots and lots of gingerbread architecture, boats, ships, towers, horse drawn carriages, farm equipment, carnival rides with tiny gingerbread kids, houses, pets, people....whatever happens someone, usually kids, has made that year!

Post photos from last year.

2) Chocolate sugar cookies, sugar cookies (same recipe, but one has cocoa in place of some of the flour)

3) Tollhouse cookie recipe, with my alterations.

4)peanut butter cookies

5)pecan sandies

6)gingersnaps, harveflarn

7) ?

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