Thursday, September 27, 2012

syltetøy: summer fruit jams, Bright midnight moon (add pics)

Packets of pectin are not used here, not available that I´ve seen, and my mil made all her jams without pectin here, so I figure I can too. Sometimes it is not as thick as I am used to, but it always tastes amazing!

My favourites, which am making lately, for winter:

1) black currant, red currant, raspberry.

2) blackberry, raspberry.

3) rhubarb, vanilla bean

4) rhubarb, raspberry or apple

Boil with sugar, do not add any water. The sugar seems to usually make the jam thick enough. Or you can make juice. I´ve not gotten enough berries, past eating them, to make much syltetøy, and the jams I make usually get eaten before they get anywhere near being " put up" for winter!,)

5) rose hip jelly. Yeah, I tried this. Several times, from various wild rosebushes growing in the yard, or locally. Always the thorny bitter bits inside the rose hips, which make your throat hurt (like that stuff in the artichoke you must remove) always has ruined it. It was very pretty, but too much work. Obviously I was doing something wrong, but followed all the recipes I saw in my cookbooks, even the blueribbon winning recipes, so I feel someone missed out some step, that they thought was obvious, but isn´t to those of use who have not made rose hip jelly for decades,)

Maybe next year will try again. I really like rose hip jelly! It is not something you can usually get in the grocery store either.

OOH I can see the moon. Full, glowing brightly, intensely, suddenly directly across from me! So pretty! The moon and sun here seem to glide along sideways, rather than up and down. It looks very halloweeny out, albeit the moon is still white not orange as it will be soon! So close looking as if I could reach out and touch. Very pretty indeed. Goodnight Moon! The kids say, as it is one of our bedtime stories. goodnight moon. Goodnight E. Mommy loves you. Goodnight n, mommy loves you. goodnight A, mommy love you. goodnight N, mommy love you too! Good night allesammen sovt godt og drøm søtt

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