Saturday, September 15, 2012

Culture Night 5: Last night videos

The last photos and video I took was in the main square of Torgalmenningen square, and I think I took some at the pavillion on the walk back to the bus station to catch a bus home. I tried to get a few photos of Greig hall at night with the pretty indoors lights---the main building is all glass with thousands of downlights hanging and usually lit brightly for such night events---but by that time the lights had all been dimmed and did not show too much. And the water in the flat large fountain directly outside had also been dimmed, and it was difficult to see the black waters against the stone or glass. I´ll see how it turned out in a second.

The last main video outside was an outdoor rap concert in Torgalmenningen, is of a local rap artist, which I liked well enough to sit in the pouring rain and blustery windy chill to listen to for about an hour, including the set up practice and actual show,). I throughly enjoyed the rap, a bit like a mix of rap with acid, just as much as hearing the lovely flute concert! And I love that Culture Night and culture in general here, includes such a vast array of choices, from dance, theatre, music of all sorts, fine art of all sorts, architecture, ships along the pier being open to the public including food, drinks and also music, choirs in the pavilion, people of all ages from children to teenagers, and adults of all ages down to in their 80s, people in wheelchairs or not, people with and without sight, etc. 

Again, I had a fabulous night! I really enjoyed it! Wish I could have seen everything, or more, wish it would have been all weekend, but even the one night was wonderful. I caught myself smiling, grinning often from ear to ear! Seeing little kids dancing silly to the rap, or teenagers on bikes and with umbrellas dancing with the umbrellas moving up and down as they might during a parade in New  Orleans; people taking photos or videos, parents with their kids listening to their grandparents sing in the pavilion; People on land skis with dogs or on unicycles, or skateboards. Women in heels in fine clothing, runners and hikers in track shoes or hiking boots in hoodies or hiking/running gear, or windbreakers, etc. Everyone of all types came and enjoyed whatever they were interested in, enjoyed it all together, not noticing anything except the music, or whatever else it was:).

Fantastic night! Can´t wait til next year! 

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