Saturday, September 15, 2012

Misc: sports: backspin lesson on a free throw

Yay, they do have basketball here; and since I´m the American, I´m the one teaching the kids the American sports/sports I grew up with and like. Rugby, American football (atleast how to throw, catch, general rules and points)...and basketball. My Dad taught me--he was fantastic in all sports, from boxing to anything else he tried. Futbul (soccer) was his favourite sport, but he loved them all. We´d listen to baseball on the radio often if we couldn´t get an actual game. Back then there were only a few channels on tv, and really we hardly ever did anything that wasn´t outdoors. Soccer, unfortunately, was about the only sport I didn´t really like. Of I Pele was always someone I´d watch. But I digress.

Since the kids were little, I´ve been trying to teach them here and there about different sports. N´s been able to properly catch and throw a football since he was 2! He´s skiied and skated since 2 and 3, respectively. Last year I got him his ice hockey gear and skates. Loves it! E, a year younger (yes lots of people think they are twins!), got her skates last year also. I got him ice hockey skates, and her figure skates. There´s a slight difference, and of course you really have no choice at this age, as boys skates are the hockey skates and girls get the thinner figure skates. The main difference is hockey skates are wider, thicker with a bit more protection, and there is no toe pick! Figure skates have a toe pick, which means you need to learn how to stop differently, depending on what type of skates you have. A toe pick skate uses the front of the skate to help stop. Hockey skates you stop slightly differently. E´s got her pink skates (only color the new ones came in) and her white skates. His skates are black and navy with go faster stripes! I hand painted a bit of a design with their names for fun also on both their skates and helmets, using nail varnish and acrylic paints. Little n, about 2 years old, will probably be getting her skates this winter! She likes trying on theirs!

I was so proud of our kids--last year at the rink when all the other parents were outfitting their kids and putting on their kids skates and un outfitting their kids and taking off their kids skates....our kids told me No mommy, we do it OURSELVES! and they did!,) I think the other parents thought I was mean for not doing it for them. I did help if they wanted, but they wanted to do it themselves:).

Sånn! So! back to the video. I´ve used youtube for helping show them things, such as the above video, free throw tips. IRL when showing them, generally how to throw, how to aim, get the ball in the basket, that´s a great video! It explains better than I could why I automatically do things such as hold the ball near the seams, look at the basket not the ball or my hands, slightly crouch down slightly bouncing, then back spin the ball as I throw and come up at the same time. It wasn´t til watching that video I realized some of the stuff I automatically do, like the crouching before not as I throw, or the backspin thing, or why! It´s a great way to explain things, and show them done correctly from experts too!Glad someone posted them! I guess when you grow up with a sport from such a young age, you automatically learn things and do not even realize you do them, or why, or remember or notice to also teach that! Our kids all 3 are pretty good throws---just it´s hard as the basketball goals are way too high for them (adult levels or teenager levels) so it can be frustrating for them they are doing the correct thing, and throwing it perfectly and very well, but the goal is simply just too high, making it impossible to make a goal.

In Bergen, I think the only sport they may not have might be baseball. But I try to teach them that anyway when I can:). My dad taught me and my brothers all how to throw baseball. And he taught me softball also.

I´m glad our kids love sports, and many of all the ones I did growing up. Swimming, basketball, ice skating, walking, hiking, bicycling, dancing. etc. I ran track sometimes and did hurdles a little, ran and jogged. Usually when we go out into the city we spend the day walking around the city, doing things like this, or just going to playgrounds and letting them dig, splash the puddles, play, swing however they want!:) It´s all good--whatever gets them outside and in the great outdoors. There´s so much to do here, outside, any weather. Like the saying goes, I´ll say it yet again: there is no bad weather, only bad clothing!

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