Not too hectic a day. Had my usual studies. Yesterday studies at one of my fave cafes--meeting friends for a few hours in between break, fika (coffee and cake). After a few more hours of study once friends left, was suddenly tired, and instead of waiting maybe for another friend to arrive, texted and said I was a bit exhausted. Sitting for hours studying, especially when it is warmish and blue skies out, is really exhausting! Checked bus schedule, new times, had just enough time to walk to the local bodega, get some groceries, then run to catch the bus!
Bus runs usually within 2-3 minutes of the schedule, if not precisely on time. Always. No fail. So I couldn´t figure out how the other day I missed the bus from Olav Kyrres gate perrong, when I knew when it left the bus station and that it took exactly 11 minutes to arrive at Olav Kyrres stop. Finally yesterday morning noticed the huge sign hanging in the bus, that now there are two buses that leave at certain times, from EACH location (bus station and Olav Kyrres) at the exact same time, rather than from the first location to the second location. Both went totally different routes. Good to know! Luckily, I only had half an hour wait til the next bus. But now I had to rush over, as I had less time to get there. It makes it easy to plan when the bus is so precisely on time, or very close to on time.
There have been a few collisions in the tunnels or on the bridges lately though, so that has made the buses late. As has the summer road works everywhere, which imho the workers have and are doing a great job finishing as quickly as they are considering how much work, and all over, is being done! Summer has the most hours of actual daylight, winter at some point will hardly have any, plus will be too cold for most work. Hence the amount of work done in summertime. Here they´re adding new water pipes, etc, so had ripped up miles of road, which is nearly finished, including new bus stop areas, with new lighting, new seating, new landscaping. We got new buses too. The old buses were nice, but had steep deep stairs, which made it difficult for some, such as mums with strollers, wheelchairs, etc to get up the stairs, even with special flip out metal ramps. The new buses have doors which are all flush to the ground/getting on point, not just the front doors. They smell new. They also have all the new digital update signs, with bus stop location and name, time, etc. The old buses did not (in town yes, but not out here on the islands). It makes it easier to check now the online site, when now I finally know the names of the bus stop places here, on the islands too, not just in town,). I like how you can use the website to find out any schedule, simply by putting in the stop you start at, to the stop you end at. I grew up with cars and driving, so I am still learning, so think the website access is great, even though all the buses also have paper booklets also with the routes. Each main route has its own booklet though, so if you want say, Bergen plus another area, that´s two kinda large booklets to have to carry. Still I appreciate they are free, and available to look at or take with you, and then also the online option!
T is late tonight, waiting in traffic, stopped on the bridge, as there has again been another collision. I was waiting in the tunnel the other night on the bus, because of a collision in the tunnel. So he´ll be a bit late with the kids for supper, which is waiting on the table, so we can all eat
they are here!:)
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