Monday, September 10, 2012

Cultural Night 12: Concerts and misc

Cultural Night. 6pm til midnight. 

Venue: Bergen city centre, indoors and out, various places around the city. Variety of Cultural activities, usually free, to such places as museums, concerts. Guided walks, dance, theatre. Hanseatic Musuem, Bergen Art Museum, etc.

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Various other Concerts and Theatre things going on around the city:

*Champions of all champions!*
In the Cathedral you can hear the Spanish ensemble Tasto Solo, directed by Guillermo Perez, perform a highly virtuosic instrumental program has received awards and great critical acclaim throughout Europe. The concert is based on the CD program "Meyster ob allen Meystern" which was awarded the coveted French music price "Diapason d'Or". Besides blistering instrumental numbers, the audience fascinated by the exotic selection of instruments, with handheld gothic organ, gothic harp and harpsichord medieval and medieval piano!
Location: Cathedral
Time: 19:00
Price: 200, -/100, - (25% discount with BT card)
Organizer: Bergen Medieval Days.

*Night Concert in the Cathedral BIT20*
Bit20 ensemble invites night concert in the Cathedral.
The program co nsert No. 1 for Flute and Percussion by Lou Harrisonwritten for two percussionists, harp and flute. The music is inspired by Indonesian gamelanmusikk.
Concert starts at. 22.30 and 23.00
Time: 22.00 to 23.30
Location: Cathedral
Price: Free
Organizer: Church Music in Bergen Cathedral congregation and BIT20.

*Music Café at the Grieg Academy*
Grieg Academy invites the Music cafe at this year's Culture Night. We transform Gunnar Sævigs Sal to an intimate club show with small tables, candlelight dining. Our canteen opens at. 20.00 for the sale of soft drinks, and the music starts at. 20.30. New mini concert starts every half hour throughout the evening until about. at. 23.00. The program is being planned - stay tuned to our website: .
Location: Grieg Academy, Gunnar Sævigs Sal
Time: 20.30 to 23.00
Free entrance
Organizer: Grieg Academy - Department of Music

*Culture Night in Old Main Station Brand*
Musical entertainment by Loen Band. 
Pause at the Threshold Bergenhus Entusiastkor.
Sales of large fire-fighters soup and thirst.
Location: Old Main fire station
Time: 19.00 - 01.00
Price: Free
Organizer: Bergen Fire History Foundation and Bergen Brand Corps Historical Society.

*Antique Music in Culture Night*
During Culture Night Meet Society Antique Music in several unexpected places:
21.30: Rosenkrantz Tower:
Currentes performs and improvises over polyphonic instrumental music from the Late Middle Ages. Some pieces of the papal secretary Zacara António da Teramo, some of the famous Landini, and some of the omnipresent Anonymus! 
21.00 to 23.00: Hanseatic Museum:
Ingrid Eriksen (clavichord solo) Ingrid Hagen invites an intimate musical experience in an intimate setting. She plays domestic music of the last half of the 1700s 
21.00 to 23.00: Natural History Collections:
Luana Gundersen (solo traverse) performs the Partita for solo flute by JSBach. 
Price: Free
Organizer: Society Antique Music

*Come see the House of Literature in Bergen*
Wondering how the House of Literature in Bergen is going to be, and where it is? During Culture Night opens for ur tour of the house and gives the city shoppers a unique insight into the plans. The house is located in Eastern Skostredet 5-7, an old cornet from the 1700s. The house is under construction until the opening in early 2013. Bring your flashlight!
19:30 - 20.00: Guided tour and reading
At 8:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.: Tour and readings
Location: Eastern Skostredet 5-7
Time: 18.00 to 00.00
Price: Free
Organizer: Literature House in Bergen

The Action Man Torgallmenningen
Scene Program on Torgallmenningen concludes the concert with The Action Man, Bergen's best underground rapper.
The Action Man and The dog has both made ​​rap music a while. Where the Action is specialized in writing songs The dog has received the most attention for his "freestyles" or in other words, improvisation skills. This has made ​​him a household name throughout the whole of Norway, where he has won several "freestyle battles". The dog and Action The Man will not only preach the verses. What they want is to act!
Location: Torgallmenningen
Time: 21.15
Price: Free
Organizer: Culture Night

Actual Text on site:

Action The Man på Torgallmenningen
Sceneprogrammet på Torgallmenningen avsluttes med konsert med Action The Man, Bergens beste undergrunnsrapper.
Action The Man og Bikkja har begge laget rapmusikk en god stund. Der Action har spesialisert seg i å skrive låter har Bikkja fått mest oppmerksomhet for sine "freestyles" eller med andre ord improvisasjons evner. Dette har gjort han til et kjent navn rundt om i hele Norge der han har vunnet flere såkalte "freestyle-battles". Bikkja og Action The Man vil ikke bare preike over vers. Det de vil er å handle!
Sted: Torgallmenningen
Tid: 21.15
Pris: Gratis
Arrangør: Kulturnatten

Gate Along with Bergenhus Entusiastkor
Bergenhus Entusiastkor is, as the name suggests a collection of very enthusiastic people, who truly lives up to Lill Lindfors statement that "music should be built utav gledje".
Conductor: Tiri Bergesen Schei
19.00: Rocker Boom
20.00: Music Pavilion
21.00: School Museum
Price: Free
Organizer: Culture Night

Choir in the night
This is the night where choral fills the streets of Bergen.
You encounter them both indoors and outdoors, along the pier and gate length.
Bergenhus Entusiastkor:
19.00: Rocker boom, Bryggen
20.00: Music Pavilion
21.00: School Museum
The choir Lyderhorn
19.00: Music Pavilion
20.00: Permanenten
21.00: Rocker Boom
22.00: Stenersen
Students Chorus of Bergen
20.00: On board the M / S West Gard
20.30: Rocker Boom
21.00: Music Pavilion
Location: Bergen 
Time: 19.00 to 23.15
Price: Free
Organizer: Culture Night.

Beate Lech: Folk Songs from Sweden 
Bergen Jazz Forum Servers Swedish folk songs at USF this year's Culture Night.
Beate S. Lech, known from jazz band Beady Belle, has a close relationship with hymns and religious folk songs - and a strong wish for to demonstrate female voices in a male dominated arena. With the help of poets Marit Kaldhol, Hilde Myklebust and Bente Bratlund and poems from his deceased grandmother, she presents a beautiful concert, where old tunes given new texts in Norwegian. 
Venue: Sardinen USF
Time: 22.00
Price: 180, -/120, - 
Scars.: Bergen Jazz Forum.

Music in the Night in China Exhibition
In China Exhibition on Permanenten can experience musical concert Music in the Night with Chris André Lund and Heidi Lambach. The singers take the audience on a journey through familiar and unfamiliar musical, interspersed with stories and anecdotes from everyday life, while they switch between duets and solo singing.
Location: China Collection
Time: 21.00
Price: Free
Organizer: Art Museums of Bergen.

Writer presentations on Wesselstuen
Chris Tvedt interviews Trude Teige about her new crime novel Deceit.
Deceit a crime novel is about how lies and concealment can get unpleasant consequences. 
Trude Teige has worked as a political reporter, news anchor and host of TV2 since its inception in 1992. The first two novels about TV journalist Kajsa Coren got a great reception and won many readers.Deceit (2012) is the third book about Kajsa Coren.
Location: Wesselstuen
Time: 20.00
Price: Free
Organizer: Norwegian Forfattersentrum western.

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